This is the story of how a nationwide health care organization, which we
will refer to as HEALTHCO
(more), developed pharmacy productivity metrics and how we worked with them to deliver graphic performance reports to its Pharmacy Managers. HEALTHCO fills more prescriptions in California than any other organization. We'll start with the results to assure you that this story is worth reading. This project was completed before OLAP technology had matured. If PPS was reinvented using OLAP, the development time and expense would be reduced by at least 50%.
It was near the end of a long day of presentations at HEALTHCO's Inter-Regional Division Managers meeting.
Irving Choi rose to present the Pharmacy Division's latest innovation: a Pharmacy Performance System (PPS).
The room was hot and the audience was groggy.
It was a good time to tell a good joke.
But, Irving has no use for dialog that doesn't further the plot.
Patiently and directly, he explained how
PPS graphically presents performance targets, peer group averages,
peer group rankings, individual pharmacy results
and consolidated results for five key pharmacy performance metrics.
He showed the how all of the graphs are updated via their corporate Intranet.
He demonstrated how PPS gives each manager at every level of the organization a score card
for assessing their performance supported by diagnostic reports
to help isolate problems.
As soon as Irving concluded his 25 minute presentation, the room erupted in applause.
After a year of directing the PPS development project while continuing to manage
two pharmacies, Irving's efforts were rewarded.
At the end of its first quarter,
PPS showed that the overall labor cost efficiency improved by 4.2%,
the number of prescriptions filled on time increased by 3%,
OTC sales efficiency improved by 13.4% and
central refill processing usage increased by 7.7%
for the 100+ pharmacies that were using PPS.
We were not nearly as certain about how the other pharmacies were doing.
-- |
Irving Choi, PPS Project Manager |
PPS delivers a graphical score-card to the Pharmacy Manager on a single Excel worksheet:
Labor Cost Per Rx Sold is tracked.
Customer Satisfaction Survey Results are tracked.
Percentage of Rx Processed on Time is tracked.
Over-The-Counter (OTC) sales per Rx is tracked.
Percentage Rx Filled by Central Refill Processing (CRP) is tracked.
Performance targets for peer groups are maintained with effective dates.
Bonus amounts are tied to multi-level performance targets.
This makes it easy set and raise the standards of excellence.
Pharmacies can be divided into any number of peer groups
to make the performance targets and rankings fair.
Peer group averages are reported,
which legitimize performance targets.
Performance rankings in for all key success metrics are reported.
Rankings foster healthy competition and reward best practices.
All PPS functions are instantly accessible from any Web browser on HEALTHCO's Intranet.
This made it easy to deploy the system to 100 pharmacies within the first month of operation.
Performance metrics are presented graphically in Microsoft Excel,
which makes the presentation easy to update, easy to reuse and
produces excellent hardcopy.
Application security facilities that authorized access to all tables, input forms and reports.
The user interface is database schema-driven for most table maintenance
dialogs. An application data dictionary and input form layout editor
enable database schema updates to be deployed in minutes
Software updates are deployed without interrupting service to on-line users
On-line Programmers Guide with hyperlinks to ASP source code
Today, a HEALTHCO pharmacy manager can use any Web Browser on his Intranet
or dial-up connection to find out how his store is doing. Senior managers
find it just as easy to spot the winners and losers at every level of the
organization. But, as Irving will tell you, it hasn't always been that easy.
Before PPS, we didn't measure performance consistently across our organization.
For those areas that shared a performance tracking method,
the effort to gather the necessary data
made it difficult to keep performance reports current.
-- |
Irving Choi, PPS Project Manager |
PPS reports tells a Pharmacy Manager everything they
need to know about their performance on a single page.
-- |
Irving Choi, PPS Project Manager |
1.1 Pharmacy Performance Reports
All of the pharmacy-level performance graphs include line graphs for
peer group targets and averages. Also included is the pharmacy's ranking in their peer group
alongside the first and second ranking pharmacies. The pacesetters and their pace
are obvious.
Peer group line graphs and rankings are irrelevant in consolidated
reports for higher organization levels.
Labor Cost Efficiency Graph:
labor cost per Rx sold by pay period
Customer Satisfaction Survey Results Graph:
percent satisfied, very satisfied, dissatisfied and very dissatisfied
by quarter
Processing Time Graph: the percentage Rx filled locally in under the
target number of minutes by pay period
OTC Sales Efficiency Graph: Over-the-Counter sales per Rx sold
by pay period
CRP Usage Graph: the percentage of refills handled by
Central Refill Processing by pay period
Budget Estimator Report
1.2 Performance Diagnostics
Should the performance reports listed above indicate an
opportunity for improvement,
Pharmacy Managers can use any of the following reports to help
isolate the problem:
Hourly Volume and Median Processing Time:
the volume of Rx filled locally per hour,
the percentage Rx filled in under the target number of minutes
and the median time to fill them per hour during a given day.
Daily Volume and Median Processing Time:
the volume of Rx filled locally per day,
the percentage Rx filled in under the target number of minutes
and the median time to fill them per day during a given week.
Weekly Rx Processed On Time:
the percentage Rx filled locally in under the target number of minutes
for the six month period prior to a given day
Weekly CRP Usage and OTC Sales Efficiency:
the percentage of Rx filled by Central Refill Processing
and the OTC Sales per Rx Sold
for the six month period prior to a given day
Pharmacy Performance Rankings: ad-hoc ranking reports for each success metrics for each peer group or organization level
In the summer of 1997, HEALTHCO's Pharmacy
Division was led by Ken Scott. Ken wanted to achieve significant
operating cost reductions without sacrificing customer service.
HEALTHCO manages hundreds of internal pharmacies ranging in size from three to
over a hundred employees. Over the years, HEALTHCO had grown through acquisition
and there were three organization levels above the pharmacy manager: local area, service area
and region.
Consistency across such a large, diverse organization is difficult to achieve.
Ken knew that he would only get one chance
to deploy a new performance tracking method.
Ken had plenty of opinions on how best to get this done.
But, he wanted to test his ideas
against the health care industry's best practices. So, he brought in
a world-class management consulting firm, which we will refer to as MANACO.
Ken, his right-hand man Ron Tochioka and the MANACO team poured over
pharmacy cost and revenue reports for several weeks before arriving at
a concise set of metrics. From the start, they had the wisdom to know that pharmacy managers
would only support the new program if they were convinced it was fair. So,
pharmacies would be partitioned into peer groups by size and hours of operation.
Each peer group would have its own set of performance targets.
The biggest pharmacy cost component is labor. Labor cost had to be measured,
but in a way that measured its efficiency.
Pharmacy Managers adjust staffing levels to satisfy the demand for service,
which varies greatly over a 24x7 period. Demand also varies seasonally. So, Ken
and his team decided to measure labor cost per Rx sold.
Ken wanted his organization to use their human resources more efficiently,
but not at the expense of customers. So,
the results of customer satisfaction surveys were added to the mix.
They also knew that
less than 2% of all customers would respond to the survey, but that all
customers want to have their prescriptions filled in a timely manner. So,
they decided to measure the percentage of prescriptions
filled in less than the target minutes.
HEALTHCO's pharmacies not only fill prescriptions, they offer over-the-counter (OTC)
products as well.
Ken knew that once a customer is inside a HEALTHCO pharmacy to fill a prescription,
it is convenient for them to purchase other products.
So, they decided to measure
OTC sales efficiency as OTC sales per Rx sold.
After customer fills their initial prescription, it is more efficient to fill
their refill orders from a central location that HEALTHCO refers to as
Central Refill Processing or CRP. By using CRP instead of filling prescriptions
locally, inventory and handling is
minimized as each local pharmacy. Ken wanted to encourage his pharmacy managers to
maximize their use of CRP. So, they decided to measure the percentage of refills
filled by CRP.
Ken was himself an experienced pharmacy manager. He knew that if someone
handed him a report that revealed a deficiency, he would want the tools
to isolate the problem. Thus, the team designed hourly volume,
processing time and employee scheduling reports to serve this purpose.
By October, 1997, MANACO had developed a small prototype in the form of a Microsoft
Excel workbook, that was deployed in some of Mr. Tochioka's pharmacies. Further
refinements were made and, soon, it was time to roll it out to a larger
audience. MANACO recommended that HEALTHCO bring in a software engineer to
make the Excel workbook fool-proof. In December, they placed a call to The Logical Product,
who brought in Carl Kelley of WinMetrics Corporation to handle the job.
Mr. Kelley reviewed the Excel prototype and the list of enhancements that
needed to be made. Yes, the workbook could be enhanced to meet the specifications.
But, decision support reports must change to keep pace with the business.
The Excel workbook would be rolled out many times. And each time a new version is
released, moving data from the old version to the new workbook would be difficult.
Furthermore, there would be no convenient means of knowing whether or not
the workbook was being used nor would it be easy to consolidate results at
higher pharmacy organization levels.
Mr. Kelley recommended that performance data be
maintained in a central database.
Mr. Kelley also recommended that JAVA applets be used for delivering the decision
support graphs. But, Mr. Scott made it clear that they would need high-quality
hardcopy output from both Wintel and Macintosh PCs. He expected pharmacy managers
to show hardcopy reports to employees in order to garner their support.
Since JAVA applets could not be expected to produce high-quality hardcopy,
MANACO suggested that the system produce the reports
in the form of downloadable Excel workbooks.
While possible, this alternative would have been cumbersome to use
and it would have taxed the network.
Fortunately, Mr. Kelley noticed that Microsoft had announced a Web query
capability for Excel 97 and that it would be bundled on Excel 98 for the Macs
and he developed a prototype as proof of concept.
Mr. Kelley met with the HEALTHCO/MANACO team three times in as many months
to develop a detailed specification that included a database schema
and report descriptions.
He prepared a fixed cost development proposal which HEALTHCO accepted.
Working with Mr. Kelley was easy. We didn't have to speak geek to
get through to him. When he asked questions, it was usually because
our ideas were not as solid as they needed to be.
-- |
Ken Scott, PPS Project Sponsor |
HEALTHCO needed someone to manage the PPS 1.0 development effort.
That someone needed both the technical background to direct Mr. Kelley's efforts
and the business background to understand pharmacy requirements.
That someone needed to have credibility and good working relationships
with key managers throughout HEALTHCO's pharmacy division.
That someone had to be an early adopter of the management techniques that PPS
was designed to automate. That someone was Irving Choi.
Irving consistently delivered excellent results.
We wanted everyone to emulate his
pharmacy management techniques.
-- |
Ken Scott, PPS Project Sponsor |
Mr. Kelley's software development work on the PPS user interface was
delayed until April, 1998, due to the difficulty HEALTCO's
Pharmacy Division had gaining access to the necessary payroll and point-of-sale
data. Sensitive employee data does not flow easily across major organizational
boundaries and the reasons are not technical. Another software consulting firm, Tonari,
was hired to automate the regular import of payroll and point-of-sale data.
In April, 1998, Mr. Kelley started to develop PPS from a baseline of 15,000 lines of VBScript, HTML, JavaScript, Java, SQL and Tranact-SQL source code.
By April, 1999, PPS had grown to over 70,000 lines of code.
During this 12 month period, Mr. Kelley averaged about 230 lines of debugged source code per day.
The original schema for the PPS database included about 40 tables.
The PPS database is now comprised of over 80 tables, 300 views and 50 stored procedures.
Mr. Choi, who resides in Los Angeles, and Mr. Kelley, who resides in Berkeley,CA,
met face-to-face only three times the project. The purpose of these meetings was
to discuss new requirements. Mr. Kelley never visited the site where the physical server
is located for technical reasons. All of the software developed by Mr. Kelley was
written and tested off-site and installed via FTP over a dial-up connection.
Contact us for a more detailed account of how PPS project milestones were reached, if necessary.
A system can only deliver its benefits if people use it.
Here are some of the many conveniences built-in to the PPS that made it
easy to learn and easy to use:
Simple, Consistent Look and Feel
All PPS pages share the same header and footer
information including a link to the main menu, logout
and help. We limited the GUI to three colors and avoided
Web page gimmicks that tend to annoy users over time.
Fast Web Page Display, Dial-up Support
Of decision to avoid flashy graphics also minimizes the size of
each page in bytes. This minimizes the burden on the network
and makes it possible to have a satisfying session via a dial-up
connection. So, managers can use PPS even when they are away from
the office.
Search Any Column of Any Table
The schema-driven search criteria page
enables users to enter search criteria
based on any column in the table. Date ranges,
numeric ranges, multiple choice foreign key and
encoded column selections are all supported.
When the results are displayed, the search criteria
used appears at the top of the hit list.
Dynamic Hit List Page Resizing
Users can dynamically adjust the number of hits that
appear in a page of selected records
to best fit their screen.
Selected Record Set Navigation
Users can click forward or backward through a set of selected records
before locking one to be added or changed.
A "Page 2 of 12" type display keeps the user informed as to where they
are in the list of selected records.
Friendly Field Formatting
Currency fields are automatically formatted with dollar signs
and commas while browsing.
Report records are hyper-linked to table records
Hyperlinks are automatically provided that make it easy to jump between
report records and related table records to reveal more
details and to facilitate updates.
Intelligent Go-Backs After Update
Users are automatically returned to the appropriate hit list
after an update procedure. The "Go to Last Query"
link also takes you to the appropriate page where the hit list
spans multiple pages.
Hierarchical Database Navigation
A JAVA applet was developed so that users could point and click to
select any record and report for a given pharmacy
in their Web browser
just as they would use
Windows Explorer to locate files on their hard disk.
Persistent Option Selections
In most cases, PPS remembers the users last option
selection so that menus don't have to be pulled down
more often than necessary.
Automatic Subordinate Record Maintenance
Whenever a new employee is added, their
user and user group membership records are added automatically.
Whenever a new pharmacy is added,
a host of subordinate records with default settings are added automatically.
Multi-Window Support
Users can take advantage of the Web Browser's "New Window…"
function to spawn new PPS windows so that related data can be juxtaposed
or unrelated operations can proceed in parallel.
Convenient Help Desk Access
The footer of each help file
presents the phone number and an email link to the PPS help desk.
The PPS software version and screen ID appears in the footer
at the bottom of each page to facilitate support. Program exceptions
are automatically recorded in the application log file so that users
don't have to transcribe error messages.
4.1 Data Entry Conveniences
Without good data, PPS reports cannot support good decisions.
PPS relies on data that only HEALTHCO's pharmacy managers
can supply. These people are not data entry clerks.
The PPS database is both accurate and complete because its users
were willing to maintain it.
PPS was designed so that data entry effort is minimized.
In the Ease of Maintenance section below,
you will see how the input form layout tool makes it easy to start with a small
number of data entry fields and gradually increase that number over time.
The input form layout tool enables a
non-programmer to hide, expose and rearrange the columns of any PPS table.
Discrete value constraints can be added incrementally as well.
Here are some of PPS conveniences that make it easier to enter data:
Pull-Down Menus
Fields with discrete value constraints as well as
fields that reference rows of other tables,a.k.a. foreign keys,
are entered by pulling down a menu.
Consistent Error Handling
Error messages always appear juxtaposed to the offending value.
Data Entry Hints
A data entry hint can be defined in the PPS table column dictionary
for any table column that can help users avoid errors.
TAB Navigation within forms
As with any HTML form, the
TAB button allows operators to quickly jump from field to field
from left-to-right, top-to-bottom.
4.2 Payroll and Point-of-Sale is Imported
Accounting systems must feed PPS the
raw data
so that PPS can track performance.
Data integrity must be managed when transferring data from one application
to another and the PPS import utility provides extensive error checking.
For ad-hoc imports, e.g. from the Personnel database,
the PPS database administrator may select any one
of the available import files for processing.
Importing records into PPS is a two-pass process.
If any errors are detected on
the first pass, no records will be posted.
The data import facility offers the following conveniences:
Comprehensive Input Validation
All imported records are validated as though they were being
entered manually.
Import Record Layout Specifications are Explicit
If an formatting error is detected in the input text stream,
the problem can be quickly isolated.
Optional Detailed Error Messages
Brief and verbose error message modes are supported.
Restart at N-th Record
The import process may be started at either the beginning of
the import file or the n-th record. This speeds up the
process of recovering from errors.
Records are Inserted or Replaced
If a record is already on file, it will be replaced to facilitate
accounting adjustments.
Import Log Files
When records are posted to the database, all accept/reject messages
are recorded in a separate import log file.
PPS is designed to allow HEALTHCO to perform many database administration tasks without
the assistance of a programmer. Consequently, they are able to adapt quickly to new
requirements without expensive software upgrades or down time.
5.1 Data Dictionary Supports Rapid Database Schema Updates
PPS database maintains a lot of information about itself including:
- Table captions
- Column labels
- Column data entry hints
- Discrete values for encoded columns
- Encoded column value descriptions
Field validation criteria is driven by ADO properties.
As a result, the many database maintenance operations that can be performed
without the assistance of a programmer including adding a new column
to an existing table.
5.2 Browser-based Security Administration
Access to PPS is authorized by user IDs and passwords maintained in
the PPS User table.
After a successful login, the user inherits all of the privileges that have been
granted to all of the User Groups to which the user belongs as determined by the
User Group Membership table.
The User, User Group and User Group Membership tables are maintained
by the PPS Database Administrator.
PPS are spared feelings of being denied access
because only authorized resources are presented.
This visibility of sensitive employee information including Social Security Numbers
and wages is dynamically enabled or disabled depending on the
user's organization level relative to that of the employee record that they
have retrieved.
For accountability, PPS records the last login date of each
user session and displays the full name of the user in the status
bar that appears at the bottom of each screen. Potential security
violations are recorded in the application error log.
Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) 4.0 with Active Server Pages
supported by
Windows NT 4.0 Server SP4 running on a Compaq Proliant 6500 computer
with dual 200 MHz Pentium CPUs, 576 MB RAM and a RAID 5 disk controller
with 12 GB of Ultra-Wide SCSI disk storage. |
Database Management Systems
Microsoft SQL Server 7.0
ODBC Drivers
Microsoft MDAC 2.0 ODBC driver for SQL Server version
Client PC Configurations
- Intel-based PCs: Microsoft Excel 97,
Netscape 3.0, 4.x or Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.02, 4.x
over Microsoft Windows 95
with 32MB RAM and a Pentium 133 or better.
- MacIntosh Power PCs: Microsoft Excel 98,
Netscape 4.x or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x
over MacOS 7.3 or better
with 90MB RAM.
Application Languages
VBScript for most application programming,
HTML for the GUI, JAVA for the tree control,
JavaScript for some client-side input validation,
ANSI-standard SQL for database queries and view definitions,
Microsoft Transact-SQL for SQL Server trigger procedures.
PPS passed its biggest test during a change in senior Pharmacy management.
Carey Cotterell assumed control of the Pharmacy Division just after PPS was deployed.
He evaluated PPS and then decided it was in the best interest of HEALTHCO
not only to maintain it, but to extend its features and expand its use.
Mr. Cotterell also decided to reward Irving Choi with a big promotion.
-- |
Carl Kelley, PPS Software Developer |